Nation & World

All Nation & World

  • Disrupting city hall

    Harvard Kennedy School and Law School experts say city life will be transformed by city governments that are plugged into technology.

  • From Mexico to Harvard, and back

    There are more than 1,200 Harvard graduates in Mexico, a well-connected group that rises to high positions and has an appetite for good works.

  • Tumbling dice

    Frank Fahrenkopf, the former head of the American Gaming Association and now an Institute of Politics fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, discusses the state of the industry as Massachusetts voters prepare to decide the fate of casino gambling.

  • Classroom to courtroom

    Harvard Law School’s immigration and refugee counseling program helps the often powerless while educating students.

  • Summering (with work) in Mexico

    Harvard students discuss their summer of research in Mexico, where they gained new insights, developed fresh confidence, and realized they wanted to return.

  • Answers from Walters

    Barbara Walters reflected on her 50-year career in journalism with David Gergen at Harvard Kennedy School Tuesday evening.

  • A watershed on weddings

    In a question-and-answer session, Harvard Overseer and legal scholar Kenji Yoshino ’91 said he was surprised by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to let stand appeals court rulings that in effect allow same-sex marriage in five states.

  • A wellspring of hope

    Students in the Harvard University chapter of Engineers Without Borders have been rehabilitating and improving a potable water system in the rural town of Pinalito in the Dominican Republic.

  • All politics is personal

    Vice President Joseph Biden outlined U.S. foreign policy goals and challenges during a visit Thursday to the Kennedy School.

  • Harvard’s Mexican connections

    Harvard’s relationship to Mexico is deep, diverse, and longstanding. Here’s an overview of those connections.

  • The rising in Hong Kong

    Harvard Kennedy School’s Anthony Saich explains the uprising sparked by a pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

  • From awareness to action

    Anita Hill says it’s time for the national conversation on sexual harassment to get “beyond awareness to consequences” for gender violence.

  • The business of being Beyoncé

    A new Harvard Business School case study digs into the mystery and motives behind Beyoncé’s surprise 2013 album release.

  • Leaders or followers?

    Author William Deresiewicz answers questions about his controversial new critique of elite colleges and universities.

  • Catching the next wave

    PayPal co-founder and venture capitalist Peter Thiel talks tech startup strategies and why HBS students should ignore what most of their classmates are doing.

  • Microbursts in learning

    The annual Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching conference forges path between engagement and distance.

  • After Ferguson’s fury

    A panel convened by HLS professor Charles Ogletree reflected on the broad social, legal, and political issues raised by the protests in Ferguson, Mo., last month.

  • A union scotched?

    Niall Ferguson explains the motives behind the national referendum on Scottish independence and what’s on the horizon if Scotland leaves the U.K.

  • For peace’s sake

    Atalia Omer, who received a Ph.D. from Harvard in 2008 and is currently associate professor of religion, conflict, and peace studies at the University of Notre Dame, will deliver the 2014 Dana McLean Greeley Lecture for Peace and Social Justice at Harvard Divinity School’s Center for the Study of World Religions at 5:15 p.m. today in Andover Hall on the Divinity School campus.

  • Voice of the brutalized

    Harvard Humanitarian Initiative researchers polled residents of a war-torn part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, finding that though many think the security situation has improved, trust in government is at a low ebb.

  • Cruel summer

    Faculty from HLS and HKS examined recent upheaval in the Middle East as part of a new Harvard Hillel series on politics and public policy.

  • To speak out, or not

    In a panel discussion, Harvard academics wrestle with the issue of when to speak out on pressing public issues.

  • Court sense

    U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan peeled back part of the curtain on the court’s inner workings during a lively discussion with Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow.

  • U.S. unprepared for housing needs of aging population

    America’s older population is experiencing unprecedented growth, but the country is not prepared to meet the housing needs of this aging group, concludes a new report released today by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies and the AARP Foundation.

  • The fumbles in Ferguson

    Crisis management expert Herman “Dutch” Leonard talks about how the confrontation in Ferguson, Mo., was mishandled.

  • Running the show

    Newly elected the next commissioner of Major League Baseball, Harvard Law School grad Rob Manfred talks about the future of the game.

  • Targeting teacher tenure

    HGSE economist Tom Kane explains the issues behind the debate over tenure policies for public school teachers in New York and California.

  • Getting a handle on inversion

    Mihir Desai spoke with the Gazette about the controversy surrounding tax inversion.

  • Radio revolution

    In a new paper, Shorenstein Fellow Steve Oney details the radical vision of NPR????s earliest days.

  • Seeing what leaders miss

    Max Bazerman, a leadership and applied behavioral psychology expert at HKS and HBS, writes that successful leaders must seek out what they don’t know to overcome the human tendency to turn a blind eye to unethical behavior.