Nation & World

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  • Caring voices

    The Harvard Graduate School of Education on July 26 released a powerful video in support of the It Gets Better Project. The four-minute video features faculty, staff, and students sharing personal accounts of their childhood experiences and providing support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.

  • A plan for better banking

    A team of researchers at Harvard and in London has created a model of bank failure aimed at helping economies avoid crashes. Their work highlights a fundamental dilemma for regulators: Improving the safety of individual banks may make the financial system as a whole more dangerous.

  • Voices of frustration

    In an afternoon discussion at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, investigative journalists from around the world discussed the challenges of reaching a wider audience.

  • Fireworks in the voting booth

    Not every child in America has the opportunity to attend Fourth of July celebrations, but those that do are prone to be more politically engaged and associate more closely with the Republican Party than their peers, concludes a Harvard Kennedy School study.

  • 2011 Harvard University Commencement Address by Liberian President Sirleaf

    President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, speaks at Harvard’s 2011 Commencement afternoon exercises at history Tercentenary Theater on May 26, 2011.

  • The threat of nuclear terror

    Joint U.S.-Russian assessment, produced in part through Harvard Kennedy School, warns of ongoing threat from nuclear terror, and says quick action is needed to avoid attack.

  • Schools of the future

    Drawing on their experience as young educators and designers, students from two very different disciplines joined forces to create fresh concepts for daily learning.

  • Transforming from within

    Ela Bhatt, a lead women’s organizer in India, spoke about social change and personal transformation on Radcliffe Day.

  • Accompanying the underserved

    “The road from policy development to implementation is usually long and rocky, one that must be trod with companions,” Paul Farmer, University Professor and co-founder of Partners In Health, told Harvard Kennedy School graduates on May 25.

  • Why the immigrants come

    Sociology professor analyzes data, learns that groups slip across U.S. border for varied reasons.

  • Planning a life for others

    Before he was a graduate of Harvard, Jeffrey Lynn Hall Jr. was a graduate of the streets of St. Louis, which taught him to look back and to give back.

  • Harvard in the military

    Recent graduates commissioned as officers through ROTC are training, traveling, and plunging into combat.

  • Paris by neighborhood

    An eight-week Harvard study abroad course, launched last year, is structured so that students discover all 20 Parisian arrondissements over a summer.

  • Nuclear threats, then and now

    Scholars gather at the Harvard Kennedy School for a seminar on the current challenges in avoiding nuclear war — and to marvel at just how drastically the nuclear threat has morphed in the two decades since the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union collapsed.

  • Venturing forth

    Harvard Business School has long known that many of its graduates found companies. But in the wake of Wall Street’s recent meltdown — and at a time when starting a new venture has become far easier — campus culture is embracing entrepreneurship in a big way.

  • More roads to travel

    In an Askwith Forum address, longtime children’s advocate Marian Wright Edelman said there are still many reasons to be alarmed at the grim landscape facing many African-American and Latino children, with 80 percent reaching high school without reading proficiency.

  • The next big things

    BOSS Medical Working with Johns Hopkins researchers and physicians, M.B.A. students Romish Badani and Derek Poppinga have developed a minimally invasive device to extract bone grafts. If approved by the…

  • Expanding student learning abroad

    Harvard President Drew Faust announced grants to six faculty members who are designing new international experiences for undergraduates, from new summer school programs in Kenya to studies in global health to other programs in Italy, Argentina, and Germany.

  • The influence of neighbors

    Where we live and who we know can affect our voting patterns, Harvard researcher suggests.

  • Focus on Pakistan

    What did Pakistani officials know about the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and when did they know it? Were they complicit — or dumb? Or smart at playing dumb? Those questions were analyzed by a panel of foreign policy experts on Wednesday (May 4) at Harvard Kennedy School.

  • Targeting leftover land mines

    Computer scientists at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have designed an elegant system that assists humanitarian mine hunters by augmenting the information from their metal detectors.

  • Lessons of the hunt

    Harvard foreign policy experts say the death of Osama bin Laden is a blow to al-Qaeda, and a sign of the vitality and persistence of U.S. anti-terror expertise. But it will also renew the debate over U.S.-Pakistan ties and may even set the stage for a season of reprisals against American interests.

  • Tough talk on education

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie discussed his tough-minded approach to education reform during a talk at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

  • Diagnosis on state health care

    Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick defended Massachusetts’ health care reforms, saying during an appearance at The Forum at Harvard School of Public Health that they’ve successfully extended coverage to 98 percent of state residents.

  • Planning for disasters

    A panel discussion that included some of the top leaders in American homeland security and the military pondered the nation’s readiness for unexpected disasters.

  • Harvard honors veterans

    In what is believed to be the largest gathering of uniformed students at the University since Winston Churchill spoke on campus in 1943, more than 170 Harvard veterans from all the service branches gathered at Cambridge’s Sheraton Commander Hotel April 25 for a dinner honoring students who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  • Heating the kettle

    During an appearance at the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School, tea party leaders said they hope to see their movement propel election of their eventual presidential candidate in 2012.

  • Harvard-trained Tibetan leader

    Lobsang Sangay, a Harvard Law School graduate, wins office of Kalon Tripa, or Tibetan prime minister, of the government in exile. Earlier this week, he spoke at Harvard.

  • The gifts of immigration

    Two Harvard researchers say that new U.S. residents, most of whom are young and nonwhite, reflect not just policy challenges, but an immense reservoir of social potential.

  • The Wal-Mart way

    Joseph Sellers, a lead attorney in the class action suit against Wal-Mart Stores, discussed the background of the workplace discrimination case and his experience arguing it before the Supreme Court.