Nation & World

All Nation & World

  • The secret lives of boys

    Based on years of interviews with teenage boys, author and Harvard graduate Niobe Way examines the intimate nature of close friendships between young and early adolescent boys.

  • Whither Egypt

    Though a street revolution in Egypt succeeded against long odds, the country faces the harsh reality of forging a new social contract for governance. Not even the deputy chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, who spoke at Harvard Law School April 14, could predict that Egypt will successfully make the transition to a stable, participatory democracy.

  • New Chinese student program

    Strengthening its educational ties to China, Harvard has entered into an agreement with the China Scholarship Council that will offer yearly fellowships for up to 35 Chinese students to attend the University at the graduate level.

  • From Chile to Brazil

    In late March, Harvard President Drew Faust traveled to Chile and Brazil to highlight the University’s engagement with Latin America. In Brazil, she reconnected with alumni, and exchanged ideas with the leaders of local universities. While in Chile, Faust met with government and academic leaders to get a firsthand look at the tangible benefits of Harvard research.

  • Challenges, solutions for South Asia

    A two-day symposium on the future of South Asia examined several key challenges facing the region, as well as solutions on issues ranging from climate change to population control.

  • The human side of Shariah

    A scholar at Harvard Divinity School examines the humanity in the Islamic legal system of Shariah.

  • Summers takes the long view

    Former Harvard President Lawrence Summers touches on the economy, his time in the White House, and the future of the American job market during a talk at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum.

  • Pointing youth toward change

    Harvard undergraduate group helps to teach leadership skills through after-school workshops in Boston schools and during a trip to Bhutan.

  • Fresh paths to success

    A dean, a professor, and a former journalist are shaking up education and policy circles with a report that asks: What if not everyone had to go to college to have a good life?

  • Making a difference

    Across the University, public service programs are thriving, reinforcing Harvard’s founding mission of providing assistance to others.

  • Teachers as part of the solution

    President of the American Federation of Teachers outlined her “theory of action” for how to improve the nation’s public school system.

  • High-tech tools for change

    Education leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world gathered at Harvard for the Advanced Leadership Initiative’s three-day think tank on education and technological innovation.

  • For Libya, ‘no compromise’ in sight

    Libyans want freedom, but the road to democracy is paved with unanswered questions. With the country torn by internal warfare, former Libyan diplomat Ali Suleiman Aujali and other experts gathered at the Harvard Kennedy School to look for answers.

  • Starting up in hard times

    In a down economy, thinking like entrepreneurs can help large companies to innovate and thrive, said business leaders at an event hosted by Harvard Business School and The Economist magazine on March 24.

  • Tapping the ‘information fire hose’

    Management of information flow and usage needs to be revamped to take advantage of two new information “fire hoses” enabled by modern technology: that which is conveyed from affected populations via social media and mobile technology, and information and analysis provided from a network of volunteers that has arisen around the world.

  • Thinking globally, differently

    Harvard students now represent more than 50 countries and a spectrum of cultures, religions, and ethnic backgrounds. Because of that, teaching is changing too, said speakers at Conversations@FAS, a faculty forum.

  • Lessons of the Haiti quake

    Leaders of government, military, and nongovernmental organizations gathered at the Faculty Club and Loeb House to take a look back at the response to last year’s Haiti earthquake and seek lessons that can be applied to future disasters.

  • A constitutional question

    A panel of legal scholars examined whether health care reform is constitutional during a panel at Harvard Law School.

  • At ground zero in coastal Japan

    In a rare opening for American-trained physicians, three Harvard doctors spend time bringing medical aid to a tsunami-stricken city in coastal Japan.

  • ‘Crisis in Japan: The Way Forward’

    The disaster created when an earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis struck Japan may be entering a new stage as the effects start to ripple through the country’s economy, politics, and society, according to a panel of Harvard analysts and Japanese officials.

  • Spotlight on Harvard in Brazil

    President Drew Faust is traveling this week to highlight Harvard’s engagement with Latin America. In Brazil, she is reconnecting with alumni, exchanging ideas with the leaders of local universities, and meeting with Brazilian students who have studied alongside Harvard students or with Harvard faculty in Brazil.

  • The road to Chile, Brazil

    On her South American trip, Harvard President Drew Faust meets with government and academic leaders, reconnects with Harvard alumni, and views the tangible benefits of the University’s research.

  • Do ask, do tell

    Former Army helicopter pilot finds a home at Ed School, hopes that reversal of policy on gays in military may allow her return to service.

  • The tipping point

    Seemingly overnight, people in the Mideast and North Africa have risen in anger to demand more freedom. Is this the beginning of democracy in the Arab world, or a new era of political chaos? Harvard analysts offer insights on what is likely to come next.

  • Harvard’s efforts to help Japan

    The University responds to the tragedy that struck Japan in myriad ways — with a benefit concert, discussions by experts, and a web portal to ease information flow.

  • Spotlight on Harvard in Chile

    President Drew Faust is traveling this week to highlight Harvard’s engagement with Latin America. In Chile, she is meeting with government and academic leaders and getting a firsthand look at the tangible benefits of Harvard research.

  • Harvard rushes to aid Japan

    The University responds to the tragedy that struck Japan last week in myriad ways — with a benefit concert, discussions by experts, and a web portal to ease information flow.

  • Three crises for Japan

    Addressing a forum on Japan’s crises, Harvard analysts describe how public trust in relief efforts, logistical obstacles to aid, and foreign sensitivity to Japanese culture are all keys to an effective disaster response.

  • Empowering women in Africa

    On a visit to Harvard to participate in a two-day gender conference sponsored by the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Malawi Vice President Joyce Banda discussed issues facing her African country, including women’s health, education, and the importance of promoting women leaders.

  • Understanding Obama

    Professor James Kloppenberg, author of “Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition,” took questions from five panelists on the impact of Obama’s presidency at an event sponsored by the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard.