Nation & World

All Nation & World

  • Nuclear terrorism

    NUCLEAR TERRORISM: Graham Allison, Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, Harvard Kennedy School, director of Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

  • Human rights

    HUMAN RIGHTS: Jennifer Leaning, professor of the practice of global health, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public Health, co-director, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, associate professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School, director, Inter-University Initiative on Humanitarian Studies and Field Practice

  • The environment

    THE ENVIRONMENT: William Clark, Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development, Harvard Kennedy School

  • Foreign policy

    FOREIGN POLICY: Ernest May, Charles Warren Professor of American History, Harvard Kennedy School

  • Research funding

    RESEARCH FUNDING: Douglas A. Melton, Harvard College Professor, Thomas Dudley Cabot Professor of the Natural Sciences, investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, co-director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute

  • Public service

    PUBLIC SERVICE: Evelynn Hammonds, dean of Harvard College, Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz Professor of the History of Science and of African and African American Studies

  • Health care

    HEALTH CARE: Joseph Newhouse, John D. MacArthur Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard Kennedy School

  • Energy

    ENERGY: Daniel P. Schrag, Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology and Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

  • Education reform

    EDUCATION REFORM: Kathleen McCartney, Gerald S. Lesser Professorship in Early Childhood Development, dean, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  • Fiscal policy

    FISCAL POLICY: Edward Glaeser, Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics, director Taubman Center for State and Local Government, director Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston

  • Obama’s first 100 days

    On the occasion of President Obama’s 100th day in office, we asked several Harvard faculty members to consider the new administration’s early actions in their areas of expertise and offer some guidance about how the president could make a difference on issues ranging from the threat of nuclear terrorism to energy policy in the days to come.

  • Eastern Congo nexus for many conflicts

    Unrest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) eastern border region stems both from what the nation has and from what it lacks.

  • Local partners critical to HHI’s work

    Denis Mukwege has his hands full. So do Justin Kabanga and Maria Bard. The three each have leadership roles in nonprofits engaged in meeting the needs of people caught up in the fighting along the Rwandan border in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

  • Michael VanRooyen: Rebuilding places that peace abandoned

    “When they put the gun in my mouth, I decided it wasn’t so ridiculous after all.”

  • LGBT conference on ‘Politics, Policy and Progress’ at HKS

    On Friday (April 24) the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) will host a conference titled “Politics, Policy, and Progress: Gay Rights as Human Rights.” Among the many guests in attendance will be Lance Black, the Oscar award-winning screenwriter for “Milk.” The event, beginning at 12:30 p.m., will take place at the Kennedy School, with panels in Littauer 130, Bell Hall, Starr Auditorium, and the JFK Jr. Forum.

  • Experts talk about reducing crime through a holistic approach

    Los Angeles is a city that many equate with violent gangs and an ineffectual and troubled police force. Yet recent years have seen a decline in gang homicides and violent crime due to a new approach in policing.

  • Strategist behind Obama campaign talks tactics at HKS

    The architect behind Barack Obama’s successful presidential run shared his insights at Harvard Kennedy School on the strategies that propelled a first-term senator to the White House.

  • Interdisciplinary program on leadership hosts a host of fellows

    Susan Leal intends to use her public sector expertise to address issues of water management and climate change. Former astronaut Charles F. Bolden Jr. is passionate about health care. Robert Whelan will likely turn his business acumen toward education.

  • ‘What Just Happened? What’s Next?’

    You might think of the little bits of good news that came out last week as the macroeconomic equivalent of the first crocuses of spring. There was the heartening word that initial jobless claims are slowing.

  • Petraeus addresses John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum

    Gen. David H. Petraeus, chief of the United States Central Command, spoke at Harvard April 21, offering his perspective on leadership and lessons learned in Iraq, and his take on the United States’ strategy for the future security of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  • Jocelyn Kelly: Seeking the whole picture of Congo violence

    Jocelyn Kelly stood alone at the airport in Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali, wondering whether anyone would meet her.

  • Jennifer Scott: Being there for atrocity’s survivors

    Jennifer Scott worked hard to become a doctor. But when she faced the ills of women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, she realized her technical skills weren’t enough.

  • Harvard Kennedy School professors named 2009 Carnegie Scholars

    Associate Professor Asim Ijaz Khwaja and Assistant Professor Tarek Masoud of Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (HKS) have been named 2009 Carnegie Scholars by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The honorees were selected for their compelling ideas and commitment to enriching the quality of the public dialogue on Islam.

  • Congo: Just here suffering

    Imani was just 15 when soldiers from the rebel group Interahamwe found her on the road in a remote region in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

  • Congo: Survivors sing of brutality and hope

    The eastern DRC is swept up in a maelstrom of violence against women that has swirled for more than a decade. Researchers and physicians from Harvard and its affiliated hospitals are providing critical care for women fractured by their experiences.

  • Congo: The damages of war

  • Congo: The facts of gender violence

    Researchers from the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative are working to understand the volume and impact of gender violence by analyzing data provided by survivors.

  • Congo: Panzi-HHI partnership

    Harvard’s partnership with a Congolese hospital seeks to understand the causes of the violence against women that hangs like a toxic cloud over a huge swath of this enormous country in Africa’s midsection.

  • Despite years of study, schools’ success matter of contention

    There wasn’t an empty seat in Askwith Hall Wednesday night (April 1) as students, educators, and researchers crowded in to hear “Informing the Debate: A Panel Discussion on Boston’s Charter, Pilot, and Traditional Schools,” sponsored by the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE), the Rappaport Institute, and the Center for Education Policy Research.

  • HLS students help at-risk children to succeed in school

    A witness to terrible domestic violence until the age of 8, “Jamal” still carries his worries into the classroom every day. Even though he and his mother are now safe, he’s unable to focus, frequently acts out, and has been suspended from third grade.