Nation & World

All Nation & World

  • War and changing concepts of masculinity

    The Vietnam War cost the United States just over 58,000 dead — less than 5 percent of the 1.4 million Vietnamese, French, and other military personnel killed in Indochina combat going back to 1950.

  • Royal talks politics with students

    On the eve of Super Tuesday, Harvard students gathered to discuss politics — French politics, that is — with the first woman in French history to run as a major presidential candidate.

  • ‘A good start’

    Late in January, a delegation from Chile visited Harvard to discuss “Un Buen Comienzo” (“A Good Start”), an early childhood education program undertaken in 2006 by the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE), Harvard Medical School (HMS), and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS), with the Chilean Ministries of Education and Health and other local institutions that impart preschool education. The pilot project and its evaluation, sponsored by Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, Centro de Estudios Educar, the World Bank, and Unicef, grew out of Chilean president Michelle Bachelet’s stated commitment to make early childhood a priority in her administration.

  • The importance of early education

    Forty-six years ago, a working-class town in Michigan began a program that changed lives. “Mind-blowing,” one scholar called it at Harvard last week.

  • IOP national poll finds youth favor Giuliani, Obama

    A new national poll by the Institute of Politics (IOP) at the Kennedy School of Government finds that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and U.S. Sen. Barack Obama remain the top choices for president among likely 18- to 24-year-old voters of both parties. Harris Interactive conducted the online survey of 2,526 U.S. citizens for the IOP between Oct. 28 and Nov. 9.

  • Young global leaders unite at Kennedy School in mini-United Nations

    The group was diverse, talented, and cross-cultural: cabinet ministers, high-powered CEOs, and influential journalists sitting side by side addressing some of the most pressing issues facing the globe. A mini-United Nations.

  • Gorbachev calls for new move to eliminate nukes

    Former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev called for a renewed commitment to eliminate the world’s nuclear weapons Tuesday (Dec. 4), saying the current generation of world leaders cannot coast on disarmament treaties of the past.

  • Armstrong: God is hard to get to know

    Man’s practical understanding of God, said one religious scholar speaking at Harvard, is “like a goldfish trying to understand a computer. … It will always be beyond us.”

  • Tutu sees lots of negatives, a few positives, in American foreign policy

    Desmond Tutu was a high school teacher in Johannesburg before he entered the ministry, and all these years later he is still very much the pedagogue. “Good afternoon,” he said…

  • Atrocities attract healing hands to the Congo

    The rape itself was brutal enough, but the woman’s nearly severed hand shocked Susan Bartels.

  • Sanders Theatre features talk on building schools for peaceful world

    In the remote and mountainous Baltistan region of Pakistan, the beverage of choice is paiyu cha, a mixture of green tea, salt, baking soda, goat’s milk, and a rancid yak butter called mar.

  • Buddhism and the art of negotiation

    Would the Buddha be an effective arbiter in a complicated and contentious land trust dispute or a messy divorce? For many experts, the answer is a resounding yes.

  • HLS: When legal scholars become media stars

    Sharp wit, high energy, and laughter were tempered by serious undertones and a message for law students considering a future in journalism last week (Nov. 8) at the Harvard Law School (HLS).

  • Researcher finds roots of fundamentalism in 16th century Bible translations

    The English Reformation — heyday of religious change — spurred a fundamentalist approach to Bible reading, according to new research by a Harvard professor.

  • Closing the ‘achievement gap’

    The achievement gap in American K-12 schools is well-documented, and is characterized by racial and class differences.

  • Islam in the contemporary world: Questions of interpretation

    “Interpreting the Islamic Tradition in the Contemporary World” was the title of the gathering, the first annual Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program Conference.

  • Scholars ask, ‘How does gender affect negotiation?’

    To most of us, negotiation is a way of getting happily to the end of a problem. As in: Who’s going to do the dishes tonight? Let’s talk.

  • Sovereignty vs. global responsibility

    As part of Harvard Business School’s International Week, an annual event to highlight the cultural diversity at the School, Srgjan Kerim, president of the 62nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, delivered the keynote address at the Spangler Auditorium on Oct. 25.

  • KSG panel: Early campaigning takes voter toll

    The intense media coverage of a small group of presidential hopefuls is prematurely narrowing the field of worthy nominees, many political experts claim.

  • Dowd works the crowd at White Lecture

    Journalism, the saying goes, is the first draft of history.

  • Vermont and New Hampshire, geographic twins, cultural aliens

    Ever wonder about Vermont and New Hampshire?

  • Looking at China’s role in Africa

    China’s increasing influence in Africa is a double-edged sword that wields the potential for prosperity and despair.

  • A vision of collaboration, mutual respect

    Harvard and South Asia go way back.

  • Chidambaram talks about ‘rich poor’ India

    At 60 years old, India is a young nation. It is also a country that is both rich and poor.

  • Mayor Bloomberg receives HSPH’s Richmond Award

    Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York City has been named the 2007 recipient of the Julius B. Richmond Award, the highest honor given by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH).

  • Phyllis Schlafly speaks out on judicial activism

    The woman credited with defeating the Equal Rights Amendment was on the Radcliffe campus last week to discuss the current target in her crosshairs: judicial activism.

  • Nobel laureate Yunus gives Wiener Lecture

    On Oct. 13, economist and microfinancing pioneer Muhammad Yunus stood in front of a cheering capacity crowd at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum. One year earlier, to the day, he had received the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize — news that Yunus said “exploded with happiness all over Bangladesh.”

  • Upcoming Supreme Court cases examined

    What’s up this year at the U.S. Supreme Court?

  • Inequality and justice, why, where, when, who

    “Universities are inequality machines,” Christopher Jencks, Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, said. “Combating inequality works only by leveling up … which often takes…

  • The truths lost and gained in wartime

    The symposium “War and Truth” explored the modern resonance of an ancient sentiment: “In war, truth is the first casualty.” It’s attributed to the Greek tragedian Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.) and…