The John T. Dunlop Lecture, supported by the National Housing Endowment, honors a distinguished member of the Harvard community in recognizing the contributions of Professor John T. Dunlop. This year’s lecturer was Marc Moral, president and CEO of the National Urban League, whose talk was titled “Promoting Innovative Housing Policy and Practice: Lessons from the Past, Challenges for the Future.”
Jared Charney
Marc Morial delivers Dunlop Lecture
National Urban League CEO spoke on need for innovation in urban and low-income housing
Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League spoke at Harvard on Oct. 4. At the annual Dunlop Lecture at the Graduate School of Design, presented by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard and the National Housing Endowment, Morial, who is the former mayor of New Orleans, spoke about the need for innovation in urban and low-income housing in a talk titled “Promoting Innovative Housing Policy and Practice: Lessons from the Past, Challenges for the Future.”