A look inside: Adams House
For one evening, life is simply a drag
Five staff photographers will offer close-ups of the interests, activities, and personalities inside five Harvard Houses in installments over the course of the academic year.
As Drag Night reaches full swing in the Adams House dining hall, female students dressed as “greasers” and male students dressed as “pink ladies” belt out the song “You’re the One That I Want” from the musical “Grease.” Amid a fortress of soda bottles and pizza boxes, the golden locks of Adams House co-Master Sean Palfrey bounce up and down as he rocks with laughter.
Judith Palfrey, also co-Master and dressed as the baseball player “Shoeless Joe,” explains the event’s origins: “The first Drag Night arose over 20 years ago in response to safety issues for gay and lesbian students at Harvard. It’s important to understand the differences and enjoy the diversity of people. That’s what Adams House stands for, particularly the strengths that each person brings to the community. Also, this is just pure fun and silly!”
Wearing a pink cashmere sweater, black wig, and chiffon skirt, Collin Rees ’12 said, “Drag Night reaches back to the roots of Adams House, back to when it was seen as the artsy House … It’s a chance to do something really fun with the Adams House community.”
Dressing up Kris Snibbe/Staff Photographer

Hide the hair
Gender-bending for Adams House Drag Night, Elyse Traverse ’11 (left) gets a little hair help from Adams House tutor Sarah Downer.

Tying one on
Co-Master of Adams House Sean Palfrey (in wig) fixes the tie and collar of Annie Douglas ’12.

Rather odd
Who knew drag could be so regal? Under the austere art of Adams House, its resident men are dolled up like women.

You’re the one that I want
Elyse Traverse ’11 (front) belts a ditty from “Grease.”

5 o’clock shadow
Candice Smith ’11 with Luke Sperduto ’11 (background) perform “Skater Boy” by Avril Lavigne.

Bieber fever!
The Adams House tutors line up for a performance of a Justin Bieber classic.

Funky chicken!
Adams House Masters Sean and Judith Palfrey exhibit some serious moves.

So beautiful
Sam Novey ’11 (from left), Kellie O’Toole ’11, and Justin Butler ’11 make for frisky lords and lasses.

Vice versa
House Masters Sean and Judith Palfrey switch roles for a night.

When it’s over …
Sam Houston ’11 cleans up the chaos.

Pink is the color for Collin Rees ’12.

Men? Women? Who cares? Let’s conga!