Science & Tech

Surviving Valentine’s Day after a breakup

1 min read

Shiri Cohen’s tips for surviving Valentine’s Day after a breakup.

Allow space for feelings
“Sometimes what makes the reaction to a breakup harder is when you panic about what you’re going through.”

Turn to family and friends
“I don’t think I could’ve ever survived most of my breakups without obsessing endlessly with my good friends and my sisters.”

“It really is true that exercise is truly an antidote. What your brain is doing in times of crisis is mimicking the pain, so there’s a drop in dopamine, which is why we feel physical pain in breakups. Doing things like exercising counterbalances that.”

Get out of the house!
“It’s mind over matter, a lot of times. But it’s important to will yourself to do it, even just making yourself go on a walk.”

Affirm yourself
“Breakups have this way of making you feel a loss of validation and affirmation because you’ve lost the person who was validating and affirming you. So it’s really important to have positive self-talk with yourself.”