Harvard’s EdRedesign announces 2023 cohort for Institute for Success Planning

Albuquerque, New Mexico, was among the recently accepted communities to participate in the Success Planning 2023 Community of Practice. Credit: Creative Commons
The EdRedesign Lab’s Institute for Success Planning at the Harvard Graduate School of Education has announced its cohort of cross-sector teams from across the country joining its Success Planning 2023 Community of Practice.
With the generous support of the Barr Foundation and an anonymous gift, and additional financial support for Success Planning from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Oak Foundation, EdRedesign launched the Institute for Success Planning in March 2022. The institute is accelerating community-driven efforts toward broader personalization by advancing more systemic approaches to individualized supports, ensuring all children and youth have clear and accessible pathways to succeed in both school and life.
Success Planning is a relationship-based approach that connects each child or youth to an adult Navigator who co-creates a personalized plan for action, in partnership with their families and other caring adults. The plan highlights the child’s needs and strengths and identifies supports, enrichments, and other resources to remove barriers, help them thrive, and support their goals. Through a whole-child approach, Success Planning provides a mechanism to ensure every child is known, seen, and heard, has a positive connection to a caring adult, and has agency over their roadmap to success.
In June 2022, the institute launched the inaugural Community of Practice comprised of cross-sector teams of school and community leaders from cities and towns throughout the country. Over the past year, through the community of practice, communities in the 2022 cohort were provided opportunities for networking, professional development, capacity building, coaching, consultations, technical assistance, and co-creation and to make meaningful contributions toward creating transformational change for children and youth within their communities. They have developed, sustained, and scaled a range of personalized, relationship-based initiatives to support all children and youth.
EdRedesign’s Institute for Success Planning recently accepted a total of 16 communities to participate in the Success Planning 2023 Community of Practice, which will run from June 2023 to June 2024. The 2023 Community of Practice includes the following communities continuing from the 2022 cohort: Albuquerque, New Mexico; Baltimore; Chattanooga-Hamilton County, Tennessee; Long Beach, California; Minneapolis; Nashville, Tennessee; New York City; Poughkeepsie, New York; and two communities from southern Illinois, including Carbondale Elementary School District #95 and Unity Point School #140. In addition, EdRedesign accepted the following new communities into the 2023 cohort: Cambridge, Massachusetts; Chelsea, Massachusetts; Dayton, Ohio; Memphis, Tennessee; San Francisco; and Spartanburg, South Carolina.
The Success Planning 2023 Community of Practice will kick off with an in-person Summer Workshop at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in Cambridge. EdRedesign will provide a structured curriculum to equip cross-sector leaders with practical skills, knowledge, and resources for designing and implementing effective and impactful Success Planning initiatives.
For interested communities, EdRedesign’s Institute for Success Planning will continue to engage them through its broader learning community, which is open to the field to learn more and engage with other leaders who are advancing personalization. Visit our website for more information about upcoming events.