Kang-Kuen Ni named Moore Experimental Physics Fellow

Kang-Kuen Ni/ Kris Snibbe, Harvard Staff Photographer
Kang-Kuen Ni, professor of chemistry and chemical biology and of physics, has been named among the first cohort Moore Experimental Physics Investigators. Each of these investigators is pushing the boundaries of what is known and what is possible.
“The breadth and scientific audacity of experiments proposed by these individuals is stunning and inspiring,” said Theodore Hodapp, program director in the Experimental Physics Investigators Initiative. “Stunning as well, is the creativity and capabilities of these scientists.”
Ni’s research will focus on correlated atoms and molecules trapped in large arrays formed by optical tweezers. This funding allows physicists, during some of their most creative years, to concentrate on their research and build collaborative relationships that enable innovative discoveries.
“I am thrilled and grateful for the Moore Foundation for supporting my research and my efforts to expand access and increase broader participation. We’ve done some exciting proof-of-principle work manipulating ultracold molecules in optical tweezers,” Ni said. “Now it’s time to push beyond proof-of-principle to study large correlated states and phases using such a rich system. I also look forward to the opportunities to collaborate and learn from other investigators.”
“It’s critical to support not just those who have had opportunities and resources to excel, but to support adoption of practices that will expand access to these opportunities in the future,” said Catherine Mader, program officer in the Experimental Physics Investigators Initiative. “Helping these researchers find resources and adopt practices to enhance equity and inclusion is an important way the foundation can help all group members produce their best science.”
Each investigator will receive $1,250,000 over the next five years to advance the scientific frontier in experimental physics. These awards provide an opportunity for outstanding scientists to pursue transformative research during a critical time in their careers directly following attainment of tenure.
Other 2022 Experimental Physics Investigators are listed at the Moore Foundation site.