Making a pitch for youth: Celebrating PBHA’s 120th anniversary

PBHA staff and student leaders enjoy Harvard Red Sox night
Photo courtesy of Bryan Zuluaga
Harvard’s annual Red Sox night was a home run for over 700 youth and families in the Greater Boston area as it raised over $11,000 for the Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA) Summer Urban Program (SUP). This night is a collaboration with the Red Sox, Harvard Varsity Club, Harvard Alumni Association and PBHA. The Din and Tonics sang the National Anthem and the Harvard Olympians were also celebrated during the opening ceremonies. The night also celebrated PBHA’s 120th anniversary as a key partner for many schools and community programs in the Greater Boston area.
SUP is a network of 11 summer day camps and an evening English as a Second Language program for immigrant and refugee teens in Boston and Cambridge. The Summer Urban Program is driven by four core values: joy, wellness, support, and community. For more than 40 years, PBHA has been making transformative experiences possible for over 700 kids each summer. SUP provides academic enrichment, afternoons of educational field trips, artistic and cultural enrichment, service-learning activities, along with overnight camping trips to youth. Support from the greater Harvard community ensures that SUP will thrive for years to come.
Financial support for SUP ensures that the financial challenges felt by families are minimal. Six weeks of summer enrichment through SUP will cost families $140 per child this summer. No child is turned away if a family cannot afford to pay. SUP is also committed to eliminating the digital divide facing many families. Campers have access to Chromebooks, internet hotspots, and wellness kits to supplement academic enrichment activities.
“We’re so grateful to the Red Sox, our partners, and alumni, who come together to support our campers every year at what is such a special, fun night,” said PBHA’s Class of 1955 Executive Director Maria Dominguez Gray. In addition to celebrating PBHA’s 120th anniversary, Gray celebrated her 25th anniversary working at Harvard. She celebrated both milestones by throwing out the first pitch at Harvard’s Red Sox night.
As part of its 120th anniversary celebrations, PBHA launched the 120 Stories campaign to share stories about alumni and community impact. Many of these stories will be shared during PBHA Alumni Weekend on Nov. 8-9. Registration for PBHA Alumni Weekend is now open at