Now at Harvard Business School, ‘From Concept to Product: Meroë Morse and Polaroid’s Culture of Art and Innovation, 1945–1969’

Edwin Land with Polaroid Land Camera, 1947. Polaroid Corporation Records, Photograph & Visual Materials Collection, b. X.650, f. 1.
Harvard Business School’s Baker Library has opened a new exhibition, “From Concept to Product: Meroë Morse and Polaroid’s Culture of Art and Innovation, 1945–1969,” which draws on the library’s extensive holdings of the Polaroid Corporation Collection to celebrate Meroë Morse, a key contributor to the development of instant photography.
The universal appeal of instant photography, commercially introduced by the Polaroid Corp. in 1948, fueled the extraordinary growth of the legendary company. Edwin H. Land, Polaroid’s founder, cultivated a creative culture within his research and manufacturing enterprise, building an interdisciplinary community devoted to the technical and artistic excellence of the new photographic medium.